Media Operator and Designer

Digital Influencer: Program director of university's social media | Pressed Influencer: Chief editor of school newspaper office and newspaper "Friends"

Digital Influencer: Program director of university's social media official platform on WeChat

03/2016  -  03/2017
Beijing, China

-  Took charge of new media platforms maintenance in CAU

-  Mainly responsible for selecting topics, gathering news, drafting, typesetting and activities planning

Pressed Influencer: Chief editor of school newspaper office and newspaper "Friends"

09/2014  -  05/2017
Beijing, China

-  Responsible for topic selection, planning, gathering, page layout and editing;Success fully edited newspaper for 16 series with chief editor for 6 series

-  Organized the activity Looking for Alumni, interviewed over 150+ alumnus, and updated alumni net work, conducting alumni autograph book with over 400+ pages

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